Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Tips For Taking Care Of Your Hair

It is quite acceptable to have receding hairline and thinning hair at the age of 60 and above. It is also normal to lose 100­-200 hair in a day. But it is serious when you can see a lot of hair going down the drain in shower. This requires special attention when you are around 30. Especially, when you are a Marketing Professional or responsible for client handling, you need to have a presentable personality. Non­-attractive looks will not help you in calming down a frustrated customer. Even if you are not working in these profiles, thin hair will suppress your confidence.
Most people are not even aware of the reasons for hair loss. People just know of a few e.g. lack of sleep, work stress etc.

Here are main causes that trigger hair­-fall. Almost all sufferers are affected by more than one:
• Dihydrotestosterone (DHT): It causes 95% of all hair loss in men and 70% of all    hair loss in women
• Exposure to toxic chemicals like hair gels and colors
• Fungal and bacterial infections
• Hormonal changes
• Iron, protein and other deficiencies
• Prescription drugs
• Another common cause these days is complex hair styles that hold the hair in      awkward positions for long times.

So what are the solutions?
You might go on start having high protein diet, get head massages by your mother but it might not solve your problem. Some people try doing meditation, standing on their heads giving them head rush or get bamboozled by Bollywood actresses and their fancy shampoos. These might be helpful if you are lucky, otherwise you need thorough analysis to find the root cause.
It should be established that regrowth is difficult without hair transplant surgery. Ample sleep, balanced diet and few hours of relaxing time with family can reduce the number of hair lost everyday.

You can consult an expert dermatologist. He/she should really assess your daily routine, eating habits and sleep patterns etc. Doctors at HLCC Clinic can really help to determine the reason behind all hair problems and provide genuine solutions using latest technology to cure and track the growth.